Meet Our Guides

Mark Donovan

Mark first became a licensed New Brunswick guide in 1984. He is an avid outdoorsman and has canoed, kayaked, fished and hunted throughout the forests and the many waterways of the Miramichi River system. While living in Saskatchewan and Alberta he had the opportunity to fish and hunt with the Dene, Cree and Metis people of Canada’s Near North, learning many bush craft skills. In addition, he has had the opportunity to go on several fishing expeditions in both the Yukon and Alaska.

Mark is a hard worker and is committed to making his clients’ experience with Dungarvon Outdoor Adventures a most memorable one.

Lee Hallihan

Lee graduated from the Maritime Forestry School in 1987. He became a licensed New Brunswick guide in 1988 and has his permanent home on the shores of the Dungarvon River. Lee thoroughly enjoys all that the New Brunswick outdoors has to offer. From early to late May Lee takes full advantage of “Fiddlehead Season” where he combines two of his favorite things, canoeing and spending time in the fiddlehead patch. Lee has extensive experience guiding; everything from spring salmon fishing to fall moose hunting and everything in between.

Lee is one of the best and looks forward to making your Dungarvon Outdoor Adventure a trip one you won’t soon forget.

Lorrie Hallihan

Lorrie’s home is literally situated in the heart of the very best striped bass fishing in New Brunswick. Each May, from all along his shoreline, you can witness tens of thousands of stripers congregate and make the water boil in their annual spawning ritual. From his earliest days in the woods Lorrie established himself as a skilled canoeist, hunter and guide. He obtained his New Brunswick guide license in 1988 and has participated in well over thirty successful moose hunts. In recent years Lorrie has expanded his area of expertise to include salmon and bass fishing.

Lorrie looks forward to providing you with the experience of a lifetime during your upcoming Dungarvon Outdoor Adventure.